What is a Solar Biscuit (Digital Solar)?

Solar Biscuit

What is a Solar Biscuit (Digital Solar)?

Renewable energy sources like solar power allow individuals to make a significant fraction of their energy consumption carbon-free and environmentally friendly. Apart from that, some of the other benefits of solar power include higher energy efficiency, easy and simple one-time installation of solar panels and improved power grid security against unexpected power blackouts. Plus, once installed, your solar panels can last you for the next 20 years with minimum maintenance required, and they can even act as a backup source of power in case of emergencies.

However, despite its numerous benefits, the adoption rate of solar energy has remained stagnant over the years, and current energy generation is nowhere near the maximum capacity. Hence, there is a need to come up with new strategies to attract new potential buyers by identifying and working on:

What is a Solar Biscuit?

Solar biscuit—otherwise known as Digital Solar—is a unit of a portion of a solar plant hosted online that can be purchased by investors. The investors can then get returns or "power dividends" from their biscuit assets when a business or individual uses it to generate electricity. It is a novel method of green financial investment that allows you to help offset carbon emissions by encouraging the adoption of solar energy.

To explain better, you can invest in digital solar (Sunday Grids) by buying one or more biscuits. A biscuit is a token equivalent to a piece of a solar plant installed elsewhere by another business or individual entity. When you buy a biscuit, you become the owner of that piece of solar panel, and when it is used to generate power, the business pays you, the owner, for the power generated from your biscuit. The more biscuits you own, the more solar power you generate, and thus, the more revenue you create. It is analogous to owning a rental property which you can then lease to tenants for a fixed price.

It is equivalent to using a cloud storage service (like Google Drive or DropBox) that enables you to access and subscribe to a part of the solar array located elsewhere to save money on your electricity bill using the offsets from those arrays. With digital solar, you can subscribe to a portion of solar biscuits without the hassle of installation.

Why are solar biscuits useful?

Solar biscuits work by simplifying clean energy by removing the burden of installation, operations, and maintenance from the utility-drivers, and improving flexibility and scalability based on their needs. They create a framework that can convert their solar assets into transferable power dividends (calculated by combining a fraction of the system cost with the wattage cost) based on a contract with a predetermined rate of returns. This allows users to safeguard against dependency on any specific configuration, making solar biscuits a truly universal form of equity.

Digital solar makes this universal equity possible by using a token system, i.e., the biscuits system, that sets a fixed price against a power dividend. A set of biscuits can cover the entire overhead cost of a solar system, and the billings from it would be split up and sent to accounts connected to these biscuits.

Digital solar has the potential to create a shift when it comes to our approach to green energy. With the popularity and success of decentralized forms of currency and assets, whether that's cryptocurrencies or NFTs, decentralizing solar power and turning it into a digital asset not only makes sense, but it is a concept that is visionary and forward-thinking.

This new mode of energy investments may be the answer to building a sustainable future. Investors are looking for long-term, stable assets that guarantee high returns. On the other hand, businesses large and small must make the transition to clean power, but to encourage it, clean power needs to be cheap and free of the need for loans or other kinds of non-core collateral tie-ups. Biscuits are designed with this exact purpose in mind—making solar power adoption as easy, risk-free, and hassle-free as possible.

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