What is RESCO Model in Solar? See the details.

Resco model

RESCO (RENEWABLE ENERGY SERVICE COMPANY)A Renewable Energy Service Company (RESCO) is an ESCO Energy service company which provides energy to the consumers from renewable energy sources, usually solar photovoltaics, wind power or micro hydro. RESCO or BOOT model is about pay as you consume the electicity.

Solar Power Plant is owned by the RESCO or ENERCO (Energy Company).

The customer serviced does not own the Solar Power Plant.

Customer have to sign a Power purchase Agreement (PPA) with actual investor at mutually agreed tariff and tenure.

Customer only pays for electricity consumed on a per unit price for power basis.

RESCO developer is responsible for its annual operations & maintenance (O&M).

The RESCO gets the benefit by selling the surplus power generated to the DISCOM.


You are comfortable with long contract period of 15–20 years.

You can generate cash regularly over your RESCO contract period.

You want to still enjoy cheaper electricity without investing money in the project.

In case of BOOT model the customer has to take care of the O&M of the plant after the transfer of ownership.

You are ready to bear with the unsatisfactory services of the RESCO (if any). There is no choice to switch between service providers, and unfortunately it is nearly impossible because of the contractual obligations and hassles involved in switching. No RESCO Company will accept such terms at any point of time before they realize their returns.

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