Why DCR modules are in shortage in india?

Dcr shortage 

The shortage of DCR (Domestic Content Requirement) modules in India can be attributed to several factors.

*Supply Chain Constraints*: The domestic manufacturing capacity for DCR modules is currently insufficient to meet the demand, leading to a shortage . This shortage is further exacerbated by the fact that some manufacturers have stopped producing polycrystalline modules, which are mandated for certain government projects.

*High Demand*: The Indian government's push for solar energy, particularly through initiatives like the PM-Surya Ghar Yojana, has led to a surge in demand for DCR modules.

*Price Disparity*: The cost of domestically produced DCR modules is significantly higher than imported modules, making it challenging for manufacturers to keep up with demand while maintaining profitability.

*Technological Upgrades*: The industry's shift towards newer technologies like TOPCon and HJT has led to a temporary shortage of polycrystalline modules, which are still mandated for some government projects.

*Limited Cell Production*: The domestic production of solar cells, a critical component of DCR modules, is limited, contributing to the shortage .

These factors have combined to create a shortage of DCR modules in India, impacting government projects and the growth of the solar energy sector.

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